Top 50 Cocktail Bars

Get to know: Deana Ferguson

Owner of 2024's One to Watch, Red Light

Charli Tomney | 26/09/2024

Get to know: Deana Ferguson

Name: Deana Ferguson

Pronouns: She/her

Job title: Owner

When did Red Light open: May 2023

Awards: One to watch 2024, Paloma Showdown – Franklin & Sons, Best new bar – Manchester Bar Awards

What got you into cocktail bars?

I’m quite a creative person so when I learned I could create my own drinks and menus whilst combining what I love about hospitality which is the social aspect I knew this was the right career for me.

How many years have you worked in the industry?

Basically, since I left school, so 18 years.

What makes a great cocktail bar?

Friendly bar tenders. Timeless music. Atmospheric lighting.

The people are the most important factor always. I don’t care how good your cocktails are. The people behind the bar need to be welcoming. A lot of cocktail bars can be daunting so it’s the bar tenders’ job to put you at ease. They can be the difference to having one cocktail or staying the night.

What do you enjoy most about the industry?

I’ve always enjoyed the social aspect. I’ve met my best friends through hospitality, either working with them or serving them. I love the Manchester bar tending community too. We look after each other and promote each other. It’s amazing to see the Manchester bar scene thriving as well. Gone seem to be the days of bartenders moving to London to progress.

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What advice would you give to someone looking to get into the industry?

It was the best thing I ever did. There are so many different ways you can progress or make a career of it. My daddy used to give me stick about it being a dead-end job and torment me to go back to Uni but he’s stopped all that now

What does being One to Watch mean to you?

It was really overwhelming to be honest. I really didn’t expect it. It took me so many years to get this bar over the line so to be recognized within the industry for what we offer is incredible. It’s a testament to the team and how hard we’ve all worked together to create something really special.

(p.s. you can enter your bar for the 2025 awards here.

Favourite drink?

Changes all the time lol Mezcal paloma probably at the moment.

What is the best cocktail bar you’ve ever visited?

I always loved The Merchant hotel bar in Belfast. Classic cocktails that are just so well made that stand the test of time. The only thing I’d say is it can be a bit stiff in terms of atmosphere so for that I’d probably go for Licouria Limantour in Mexico city as the best all rounder. I ended up in the city alone for a day and went straight there. The vibes were insane. World class bartenders who made me feel right at home. They took me out after as well, we ended up in what felt like the Mexican equivalent of Mojos, dancing on the tables all night doing shots. It was class. I’m sure the cocktails were amazing but it’s the people and atmosphere I remember and that’s stayed with me.

What makes Red Light unique?

Female, queer owned bar which promotes the LGBTQ+ community breaking the traditional views by creating a high end fun safe environment for all.

What’s a signature drink of yours?

Famous last word: cross between 2 of my fave cocktails, The last word and Tipperary

What does the future hold for Red Light?

I’d love to take Red Light down south. London and Brighton would be amazing!