Top 50 Cocktail Bars


Tayēr + Elementary

Shoreditch, London

Based on Old Street in London, and open to walk-ins only, Tayér + Elementary by Alex Kratena and Monica Berg is a special venue.

Top 50 Accolades
  • Highest New Entry 2022

Split into two parts including a casual all-day offering where cocktails are served within seconds thanks to a draught system that includes Old Fashioneds and Aquavit. This is Elementary and the prices here are exceptionally affordable.

Within Elementary expect an all-day cocktail experience as well as a One Sip Martini experience with drinks served in three sized glasses of small, medium and large.

There is also a snacking offer that focuses on seasonality and deemed to be an important part of the bar’s overall experience.

Yet, through a partition, Tayér awaits and offers a darker and more subdue environment for sophisticated cocktail sipping.

The drinks in this part of the bar are made with more unusual, exotic or even pricier ingredients. Menus in this part of the venue change seasonally, or much more frequently in fact, and are often influenced or created by guest bartenders too.

Overall, the venue appears as a brutalist space with concrete and exposed steel trunking, but that’s not to say it is cold and trendy for the sake of it. In fact, the team and the who vibe of the venue offer a warming reception.

Kratena and Berg are two of the most influential people in the bartending world right now, and the opening of Tayér + Elementary in London was hotly anticipated, not least because it follows a concept similar to that of Dead Rabbit in New York – a venue of two halves.

Although near impossible to list the drinks offering, as they change so frequently, we can confirm the ingredients used are expertly made, while the spirits are always of the highest quality.

Beer, wine and coffee drinkers will also benefit from the keen eye of the duo operating the site, who take non-cocktail drinks just as seriously.

Key Information

  • WEBSITE: Visit Here
  • ADDRESS: 152 Old St, London, EC1V 9BW